كلمات أغنية الفياشية - سامي يوسف | Fiyyashyya Lyrics - Sami Yusuf | Barakah
A humble slave I am of an almighty Lord
No work is too hard for that One who's adored
But though I'm a beggar who cannot afford
To claim any strength, sure and strong is my Lord
He says, where He wills, when He wishes a thing
Just "Be", and it is, by the might of a King
The ruler whose edicts and wise rulings bring
All blessings and grace by the might of a King
I haven't got the force
No strength between my sides
Why feel such remorse
When the Maker provides?
أنا عبد ربي له قدرة
يهون بها كل أمر عسير
فإن كنت عبداً ضعيف القوى
فربي على كل شيء قدير
مني أش عليّا و أنا عبدٌ مملوك
و اﻷشياء مقضية ما في التحقيق شكوك
ربي نظر فيّا و أنا نظري متروك
في اﻷرحام و اﻷحشاء من نطفة صوّرني
أنا مالي فياش، أش عليّا مني
أقلق من رزقي لاش و الخالق يرزَقني
اللهم صل على المصطفى
حبيبنا محمد عليه السلام
I'm safe in the shade of his all-knowing height
And no strength have I His all power and might
So glory to God, his bounty shining bright,
All gratitude and praise are His due and His right
He says, where He wills, when He wishes a thing,
just "Be", and it is, by the might of a King
The ruler whose edicts and wise rulings bring
All blessings and grace by the might of a King
I haven't got the force
No strength between my sides
Why feel such remorse
When the Maker provides?
أنا مالي فياش، أش عليا مني
أقلق من رزقي لاش و الخالق يرزَقني
اللهم صلِّ على المصطفى
حبيبنا مُحمد عليه السلام
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